Is Tea and Leaves for me?
Tea and Leaves is for you if, you like to lead a gentle and real life. It is for you if you are interested in sustainable growing practice. It is for you if you need something in your day to read that helps you to relax. It is for you if you need something to help you escape, just for a moment into another world. It is for you if you like tea! It is for you if weeding, hoeing and sowing are activities that you do or think about doing. It is for you if you want to read about a world where not everything is perfect. It is for you if you want to hear about the reality of running a small business in an honest way. It is for you if you like to receive post that makes you smile. It is for you if you need a prompt to share post with those that you care about. It's also for you if you care about what we do and want it to work.